Polly Horvath is an internationally renowned author of books for children and young adults whose many honors include a National Book Award, a Newbery Honor, and an Oprah's pick. Learn more about her and her books on her website. Here at Rapunzel Reads, Polly Horvath is best known for her Mr. and Mrs. Bunny series - consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Bunny: Detectives Extraordinaire! and Lord and Lady Bunny: Almost Royalty! - which she translated from the Rabbit by the illustrious Mrs. Bunny herself. We were absolutely thrilled to get the chance to interview Mrs. Bunny (per Polly Horvath's translations) for this month's interview! | Mrs. Bunny and Polly Horvath images courtesy of Polly Horvath's website |
Rapunzel Reads: We understand your translator has won an impressive array of human awards for her work. Have you been similarly recognized in rabbit literary circles?
Mrs. Bunny: Well, the hat club is very fond of saying, Mrs. Bunny, you make a swell hat. They don’t mean, me, myself. I do not sit on people’s heads and hope for rain. They mean I create a swell one. Does that count? Yes, I’ve decided, it does.
Rapunzel Reads: Are you still in touch with Madeline? How is she doing?
Mrs. Bunny: Of course she is doing splendidly and she hasn’t aged one iota since the last time you read the book. Nor has Mrs. Bunny. No wrinkle cream needed here!
Rapunzel Reads: Have you made any progress lately on getting your assumedly copious number of later volumes translated for human markets?
Mrs. Bunny: Well, the human market really wouldn’t be anyone’s ambition, so full of opinions and people in badly trimmed hats. And not enough carrots. And the last time Mr. Bunny hopped through a human market someone chased him with a cleaver. Yes, it’s true! I know, I couldn’t believe it either.
Rapunzel Reads: What are the challenges of writing an authentic memoir?
Mrs. Bunny: Well, take your pick, it’s either the authentic part or the memoir part. I’d say it’s pretty well split.
Rapunzel Reads: Do you have any advice for readers inspired by your dental floss knitting who want to try it at home?
Mrs. Bunny: Just make sure it’s used. Recycling is ever our watchword here in Rabbitville. Those little bits of carrots give a piece texture.
We also had a few questions for Polly Horvath, the translator.
Rapunzel Reads: Do you tend to plan out your stories ahead of time, or start with an idea and see where it goes?
Polly Horvath: Well, I just translate so no ideas and no planning.
Rapunzel Reads: Some of your books are highly amusing, while others are much more serious. As an author, what is it like developing such a range of stories?
Polly Horvath: Oh, about normal.
Rapunzel Reads: One of our favorite aspects of your stories are the delightfully quirky characters! What's your process for developing them?
Polly Horvath: In the first place, I don’t create characters and in the second place, who are you calling quirky?
Rapunzel Reads: What's your favorite part of the writing process?
Polly Horvath: The last page.
Rapunzel Reads: Do you have any tips for an aspiring writer?
Polly Horvath: Wear shoes.
Rapunzel Reads: What books inspired you when you were growing up?
Polly Horvath: I do not become inspired. I take naps instead.
Rapunzel Reads: What is your favorite thing about being an author?
Polly Horvath: The snacks.