Interested in Submitting a Review?
We would be thrilled if you are inspired to share your own literary favorites!
If you would like us to publish a book review that you have written, please fill out the submission form, below. Your review should include the following information:
« A “code” name you’d like to sign with (just keep it consistent if you review more than one book) and your age.
« The title of the book, and the author.
« The age range you would recommend this book to (i.e. “9-12 years old” or “grades 3-5”) and any other "tags" you'd like us to include.
« Genre of book (Fiction, Historical Fiction, Nonfiction, Fantasy, etc. – usually this is listed on the book jacket, you don’t have to figure it out yourself!)
« A brief summary of the book (don’t give away the ending!). Pretend you are telling a good friend about the book – what would you say?
« What you loved about the book, and why you would recommend it to other readers.
We are specifically looking for reviews written by the readers themselves – not their parents or other adults (though help typing and emailing is of course totally okay and, if as an adult you also read the book & would like to add a comment to clarify or elaborate, that is fine and often helpful; please just notate what is your comment versus that of the original reviewer).
Please note that we do reserve the right not to publish all submissions; if we deem the review content as inappropriate, we will not include it on our site. Our intention is to create a useful place for young readers to share their literary loves and be inspired for their next read, so we want it kept kid-friendly. Thank you for your understanding.