Tuesdays at the Castle is about Princess Celie and her siblings, who live together in Castle Glower. Now, Castle Glower is no ordinary castle. It has a mind of its own. It moves the rooms, takes away rooms, and creates new rooms. These changes usually happen on Tuesdays, when the castle is most often bored. And Princess Celie is closer to the castle than anyone. Then, one Tuesday, Celie finds a spiral stair that goes to a tower with windows and spyglasses on each window. Celie peers out of one and sees the royal carriage hurtling down towards the castle gates. Her parents had gone in the carriage to get their oldest brother, Bran, from the College of Wizardry, to become the next Royal Wizard. But it looked like there was something wrong, so Celie got Ralph, her other brother and the heir to the throne (so chosen by the castle). When she had shown him the carriage, the raced to the front door. But no one was in the carriage except one of the Guards. According to him, someone had attacked them, and they assumed King Glower the 79th was no longer alive. Once everyone learns that King Glower is "dead" one thing comes: Disaster!
I like this book because it is very exciting and you don't get bored. I also like the characters and how the castle is alive. I recommend Tuesdays at the Castle to readers.